Early Learning

Special Events

Muffins with Mom (Ages 2-5 years)
Join us for a morning filled with love, laughter and tasty treats! Kids, bring your mom or any special person in your life to the classroom to make some fun memories together. Please register by April 1.
8:30-9:45 am
CEC - ECFE Rm. C212/213
$12 per family
Pizza and Play with Dad (Ages 2-5 years)
This special time is for kids and their dads or any other loving male caregiver. You'll have a pizza dinner, then off to the classroom you'll go to enjoy fun activities together! Please register by April 5.
5:15-6:30 pm
CEC - ECFE Rm. C201/C203
$15 per family
ECFE in the Park (All ages)
Join Ms. Krystal at the parks of New Prague, Lonsdale and Elko New Market. Enjoy time with your child outdoors playing at the park, participating in different activities, and a short circle time! Parents must stay and supervise their children for the duration of the class. Childcare providers are welcome. Pack a lunch and enjoy a picnic with your child once class is over! Please register in advance so we have enough supplies.
Heritage Park
11 am-12 pm
$5 per family; $10 per daycare
Historic Elko Park
11 am-12 pm
$5 per family; $10 per daycare
Outdoor Story Walk (All ages)
Parents and children will be able to get outdoors for some exercise while enjoying a story and lots of fun, related activities. Once you complete the walk, we invite you to sign our guest book and pick out a prize!
All daylight hours
Cedar Lake Farm Regional Park
Free event but registration is requested
Grandfriend Bowling (Ages 2 ½-5 years)
Preschool-aged children are invited to bring their grandma, grandpa or any special friend to enjoy bowling and pizza at Strike Force Bowl! Bumpers will be in place so everyone has a chance to knock down the pins. Class fee includes one game, shoe rental and pizza. Please register by April 22.
11 am-12:30 pm OR 4:30-6 pm
Strike Force Bowl
$12 per person
Let's Play at Cedar Lake Farms (Ages 3 ½-5 years)
Come on out and play at the farm - Cedar Lake Farm! Fish with your family off the dock, make pine cone bird feeders, go on a listening walk and scavenger hunt, and get messy in nature with sensory boxes. We will end the morning with a story and a song. Please register by April 23.
10-11:30 am
Cedar Lake Farm Regional Park
$10 per person

Weekly Classes

Newborn Talk (Birth-16 weeks)
Congratulations on the arrival of your baby! This class is for parents with babies 0-16 weeks. A nurse and parent educator will be available to answer questions about your newborn and provide support, connection and resources. Some topics include feeding, sleeping, attachment, development and returning to work. We will also offer weekly baby weight checks! This class is free and registration is not required.
10:45 am-12 pm
CEC - ECFE Room C203
Baby and Me Evening Class (Birth-12 months)
Parenting a baby is exciting and challenging. Join other parents and their babies for this special time together. Talk about feeding, sleeping, soothing and adjusting to parenthood. 
5:45-6:45 pm
CEC - ECFE Room C203
Drop and Go OR Stay and Play (Birth-5 years)
Choose to stay and play with your child or drop them off and enjoy an hour to yourself! A teacher will be in the classroom to provide a nurturing environment, movement, fun songs at circle time, and learning activities to encourage your child’s growth and independence.
11 am-12 pm
CEC - ECFE Room C213
Stay and Play: Free
Drop and Go: $2/child; $5/family
Movin' & Groovin' in the Gym (Birth-5 years)
Join us each week for unstructured motor time in the CEC gym for the first hour, then end class with a group activity led by a teacher. 
11 am-12 pm
CEC - Gym
$2/child; $5/family; $10/daycare provider
No need to register - pay at the door!
Walk and Talk (All ages)
Parents and caregivers with children under 8 are invited to take this opportunity to connect with others while getting in some steps! There will be a discussion question, parenting tip and resources shared each week based on the interests of the group. The class is free but you do need to register for sibling care ($20 per family per session).
11:45 am-12:45 pm
CEC - ECFE area

Early Childhood Screening

Minnesota law requires that all children be screened prior to school enrollment. Three years old is the recommended age for this health and developmental screening. Screening helps identify children who may benefit from additional learning or health services before they enter kindergarten. This simple, free screening checks your child’s height, weight, vision, hearing, speech, and development. Your child’s immunizations will also be reviewed. If your child is 4 and has not yet been screened, please sign up for an appointment as soon as possible. For any questions, please call (952) 758-1674.
Upcoming screenings
Thursdays, April 4 & 25
Appointments available between 1-5 pm
CEC - ECFE area