Early Learning

Spring ECFE classes begin March 6th!

Registration for our spring session is currently open here. Sign up to join us for a weekly class or special event with your child! 
Featured classes

*Indicates a non-separating class 

Special Events 

🌳ECFE in the Park (All ages)
Join a licensed parent educator at area parks to enjoy time with your child outdoors! You'll spend time playing at the park, participating in different activities, and a short circle time. Parents must stay and supervise their children for the duration of the class. Childcare providers are welcome. Registration is required so we have enough supplies!
11:00 am-12:00 pm
Settler's Park
$5 per family
11:00 am-12:00 pm
Northside Park
$5 per family
πŸ›΄Big Wheel Event (3-5 years)
Get ready, set, go! Bring your own "Big Wheel" type toy (pedal car, trike, toddler bike or scooter) for a fun hour of outdoor activity. We will have some obstacle courses, a pretend car wash and automotive repair area, games, a participant parade and other related activities. Don't forget your helmet! (If your child would like to participate but doesn't have access to a big wheel, please let us know so we can borrow one to them.)
5:30-6:30 pm
CEC Parking Lot
$10 per person

πŸ•Pizza & Play with Dad (Ages 2-5)
This special time is for kids and their dads or any other loving male caregiver. Don't worry about dinner! We will provide pizza and then off to the classroom you'll go to enjoy fun activities together.

5:15-6:30 pm
CEC - Preschool Room A216
$15 per family

Drop-in classes

🧩Drop and Go OR Stay and Play (Birth-5 years)
Choose to stay and play with your child or drop them off and enjoy an hour to yourself! A teacher will be in the classroom to provide a nurturing environment, movement, fun songs at circle time, and learning activities to encourage your child’s growth and independence.
Mondays, March 3, 17 & 31
11 am-12 pm
CEC - ECFE Room C212/C213
Stay and Play: $2/child; $5/family
Drop and Go: $5/child
No class Mar 10 & 24
🍼 Newborn Talk (Birth-16 weeks)
Congratulations on the arrival of your baby! This class is for parents with babies 0-16 weeks. A nurse and parent educator will be available to answer questions about your newborn and provide support, connection and resources. Some topics include feeding, sleeping, attachment, development and returning to work. We will also offer weekly baby weight checks! This class is free and registration is not required.
10:45 am-12 pm
CEC - ECFE Room C203
πŸ€Movin' & Groovin' in the Gym (Birth-5 years)
Join us each week for unstructured motor time in the CEC gym for the first hour, then end class with a group activity led by a teacher. 
Wednesdays, March 12 & 19
11 am-12 pm
CEC - Gym
$2/child; $5/family
No class Mar 5 & 26
πŸ‘ŸWalk and Talk (Parents of children under 8)
Parents and caregivers are invited to take this opportunity to connect with others while getting in some steps! There will be a discussion question, parenting tip and resources shared each week based on the interests of the group. The class is free but you do need to register for sibling care ($20 per family per session).
Fridays, March 7, 14 & 21
11:30 am-12:30 pm
CEC - ECFE area
No class Mar 28

⭐️Let's Play Saturdays (Birth-5 years)
Come and play with your young children at the CEC gym! This is a project of the New Prague Early Learning Childhood Initiative Coalition. We are promoting physical development and community opportunities for young children during the winter months. Space will be set up to promote active play for children ages 0-5. Older children are welcome to come if they have a sibling 5 or under. Parents must stay. You do not need to attend the whole time; you can drop in as you are able.

9-11 am
CEC - Gym
No class Mar 8