Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)

ECFE is a program for parents and their children birth to kindergarten entrance. Our goal is to offer fun play and learning experiences for children that encourage the development of skills and readiness for school, and information and support for parents.

ECFE is a relaxed, fun place to meet other families with young children, and play and learn together. ECFE offers a wide variety of affordable daytime and evening classes for all ages of children birth to 5. Classes are affordable and on a sliding fee. ECFE is staffed by licensed early childhood and parent educators.

Check out Baby Class

For all of your ECFE and District Preschool needs, use Eleyo to register online.

If you are having trouble registering online for an ECFE class, please call Sharon at (952) 758-1674.


If you have a child age birth to 5 years and do not receive New Prague Area Early Learning brochures or mailings, make sure you are registered with the New Prague Area Schools District Office. Complete the registration process by clicking on the following link New Prague Area Schools Online Registration. If you have questions about Student Registration, please contact Janelle Sasse at [email protected] or (952) 758-1703. For more information on Early Childhood Screening or to schedule an appointment, click here or contact the Early Learning office at (952) 758-1674.

Phone: 952-758-1674
Attendance Line: 952-758-1670
Address: 410 Central Ave North, Suite 400
New Prague, MN 56071